What Does Good Code Mean

I used to focus on the tactical things

The things that at this point we all know to look for : Code coverage, lines per method, lines per file, SOLID principles, to monolith or not to monolith

Then I ended up DevOps-ing a major migration

Migrating from commodity hardware to Heroku (more on that elsewhere and later). I realized that all of those things were cargo cults in my life. The real goal is stable flexible code. Think of a Kung-Fu routine. Stable and Flexible.

My new motto is Slow is Smooth, Smooth is fast (yes it’s stolen)

This is all a part of the larger view you get when you start managing. Before I was mainly concerned with the bugs and complexity where I was working within the codebase. Now my view encompasses the whole codebase (and I couldn’t have told you that before)

Managing gives you a broader view

I love to focus as an individual contributor. Just ask anyone I’ve worked with who’ve interrupted me while coding. Being a manager gives you this interesting view of other people working with the code. I’ve recently come to appreciate Bertrand Meyer and Design by Contract